Hanika International Guitar Competition
No age restrictions
Preliminary Round: Video Recording
***Deadline 31.08.2024***
- One free-choice piece
- Including set pieces choose from No.8 or No.11 from 24 Prelude by M.M.Ponce **(Download scores here)**
Participants’ video performance is recorded entirely without cutting a video and without interrupting the camera
As proof that the video recording is intended solely for the competition:
– Participant must pronounce their first name, surname, and the name of the competition before performing the program
- Audio editing or inserting the plug-in effect (Reverb, and Deley) are not allowed
- Stopping the video camera during the entire recording is not allowed
- On the recording must be clearly seen
*** Send us a YouTube link, including a short introduction (name, country, place of residence, and age,) to info.ayadaguitars@gmail.com before 15.09.2024.
The Announcement will be on 23.09.2024
Participants who pass to Semi-Final Round have to pay a competition fee before 1st of October
*** The competition fee is 4,000 Baht for Virtuoso Category (With full access to the entire festival and concert)
Semi-Final Round:
Friday 1 November
- 10-12 minutes free choice piece
- Including set pieces choose from No.1, 2, 7, or No.11 from 12 Etude by H.Villa-Lobos **(Download scores here)**
Final Round:
Sunday 3 November
- 20-25 minutes free program
age up to 18 years old (born after November 2006)
One Round Only:
Saturday 2 November
- 10-12 minutes free program
*** The competition fee is 2,500 Baht for Young Talent Category (With full access to the entire festival and concert)
1st prize
15,000 Baht​
Video shooting at Ayadaguitars showroom
Guitar Classic Magazine Publication
Generous string packages provided by Knobloch
2nd Prize
7,500 Baht
Generous string packages provided by Knobloch strings
3rd Prize
5,000 Baht
Generous string packages provided by Knobloch strings
1. The Competition is a part of the Ayada Classical Guitar Festival.
2. The Competition consists of three rounds, and the Festival Website provides complete details about each round.
3. If a contestant exceeds the time limit, the Head of the Jury may cut off the performance at that point.
4. Contestants cannot repeat pieces played in one round in any later rounds.
5. Only a maximum of 20 candidates will be chosen for the Semi-final Round, and a maximum of 5 candidates will be chosen for the Final Round.
6. The score will be based on a point system ranging from 0 to 25.
7. Each jury member must keep their score sheet in the score sheet folder and hand over their signed copy to the Head of the Jury at the end of each round.
8. No jury member should give points to their own students.
9. The jury within a particular round cannot be changed.
10. All jury members are required to maintain confidentiality and must be objective and neutral in their judgment. If any jury member acts contrary to this requirement, the Festival Director reserves the right to remove them from the jury.
11. During jury discussions, all members must be respectful and follow the guidance of the Head of the Jury.
12. All decisions of the jury must follow the view of the majority.
13. All jury members are required to maintain confidentiality; they must be objective and neutral in their judgment. If any jury member should act contrary to this requirement, the Festival Director reserves the right to remove them from the jury.
14. Jury discussions must be mutually respectful, following the guidance of the Head of the Jury.